Amit Rajan

Machine Learning | Blockchain

Data Cleaning for Machine Learning Sysytems: A Survey

Data Cleaning for Machine Learning Sysytems: A Survey

Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization - The EM Algorithm in General

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 9

Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization - An Alternative View of EM

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 9

Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization - Mixtures of Gaussians

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 9

Mixture Models and Expectation Maximization - K-means Clustering

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 9

Graphical Models - The Sum-product Algorithm, The Max-Sum Algorithm

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 8

Graphical Models - Inference in Graphical Models

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 8

Graphical Models - Markov Random Fields

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 8

Graphical Models - Conditional Independence

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 8

Graphical Models - Bayesian Networks

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 8

Sparse Kernel Methods - Maximum Margin Classifiers: Relation to Logistic Regression, Multiclass SVMs, SVMs for Regression

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 7

Sparse Kernel Methods - Maximum Margin Classifiers: Overlapping Class Distributions

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 7

Sparse Kernel Methods - Maximum Margin Classifiers

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 7

Sparse Kernel Methods - Lagrange Multipliers

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 7

Kernel Methods - Gaussian Process

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 6

Kernel Methods - Constructing Kernels & Radial Basis Function Networks

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 6

Kernel Methods - Dual Representations

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 6

Neural Networks - Mixture Density Networks & Bayesian Neural Networks

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 5

Neural Networks - Regularization in Neural Networks

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 5

Neural Networks - The Hessian Matrix

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 5

Neural Networks - Error Backpropagation

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 5

Neural Networks - Network Training

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 5

Neural Networks - Feed-forward Network Functions

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 5

Linear Models for Clasification - The Laplace Approximation & Bayesian Logistic Regression

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Probabilistic Discriminative Models

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Probabilistic Generative Models (Maximum Likelihood Solution)

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Probabilistic Generative Models

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - The Perceptron Algorithm

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Fisher’s Linear Discriminant

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Least Squares for Classification

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Discriminant Functions

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Clasification - Discriminant Functions

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 4

Linear Models for Regression - Evidence Approximation & Limitations of Fixed Basis Function

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 3

Linear Models for Regression - Bayesian Model Comparison

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 3

Linear Models for Regression - Bayesian Linear Regression

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 3

Linear Models for Regression - Bias-Variance Decomposition

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 3

Linear Models for Regression - Linear Basis Function Models : Part 2

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 3

Linear Models for Regression - Linear Basis Function Models : Part 1

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 3

Probability Distributions - Nonparametric Methods

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - The Exponential Family

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - The Gaussian Distribution: Part 5

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - The Gaussian Distribution: Part 4

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - The Gaussian Distribution: Part 3

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - The Gaussian Distribution: Part 2

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - The Gaussian Distribution: Part 1

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - Multinomial Variables

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Probability Distributions - Binary Variables

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 2

Introduction - Information Theory

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 1

Introduction - Decision Theory

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 1

Introduction - Model Selection & Curse of Dimensionality

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 1

Introduction - Probability Theory

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 1

Introduction - Polynomial Curve Fitting

Pattern Recognition (Bishop): Chapter 1

Left, Right and Pseudo Inverses

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 28

Linear Transformations, Change of Basis and Image Compression

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 27

Singular Value Decomposition

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 26

Similar Matrices

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 25

Positive Definite Matrices

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 24

Complex Matrices and Fourier Transform

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 23

Symmetric Matrices and Positive Definiteness

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 22

Markov Matrices and Fourier Series

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 21

Differential Equations and Matrix Exponentials

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 20

Diagonalization and Powers of a Matrix

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 19

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 18

Formula for $A^{-1}$ and Cramer's Rule

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 17

Determinant and Cofactors

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 16


Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 15

Orthonormal Vectors, Orthogonal Matrices and Gram-Schmidt Method

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 14

Projection Matrices and Least Squares

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 13

Projection of a Matrix

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 12

Orthogonal Vectors and Orthogonal Subspaces

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 11

Graphs, Networks and Incidence Matrices

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 10

Matrix Spaces

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 9

Four Fundamental Subspaces

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 8

Matrix Independence, Span, Basis & Dimension

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 7

Algorithm for solving $Ax=b$

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 6

Algorithm for solving $Ax=0$

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 5

Vector Space and Subspace

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 4

Inverse of a Matrix & Factorization into $A=LU$

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 3

Elimination & Permutation with Matrices

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 2

Geometry of Linear Equations & Matrix Multiplications

Linear Algebra (Gilbert Strang): Chapter 1

The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: Derivation of Mean and Variance

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression: Derivation

Hypothesis Testing (Part 6)

Tests for Variances and Power of a Test

Hypothesis Testing (Part 5)

Tests with Categorical Data & Tests for Homogeneity and Independence

Hypothesis Testing (Part 4)

Distribution-Free Tests

Hypothesis Testing (Part 3)

Tests for the Difference Between Two Means (Large and Small Samples) and Tests with Paired Data

Hypothesis Testing (Part 2)

Tests for a Population Proportion

Hypothesis Testing (Part 1)

Tests for a Population Mean (Large and Small Samples)

Confidence Intervals (Part 3)

Confidence Intervals with Paired Data and Population Variance/ Prediction Intervals

Confidence Intervals (Part 2)

Confidence Intervals for Proportions and the Difference

Confidence Intervals (Part 1)

Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean

Commonly used Distributions (Part 2)

Commonly used Distributions

Commonly used Distributions (Part 1)

Commonly used Distributions

Measurement and Propagation of Error (Part 2)

Measurement and Propagation of Error

Measurement and Propagation of Error (Part 1)

Measurement and Propagation of Error

Random Variables (Part 3: Jointly Distributed Random Variables)

Jointly Distributed Random Variables

Random Variables (Part 2: Continuous Random Variables)

Continuous Random Variables

Random Variables (Part 1: Discrete Random Variables)

Discrete Random Variables

Performance Metrics for Classification Algorithms

Performance Metrics for Classification Algorithms

Hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Naive Bayes Classifier

Naive Bayes Classifier

Think Stats: Chapter 9

Think Stats: Chapter 9

Think Stats: Chapter 8

Think Stats: Chapter 8

Think Stats: Chapter 7

Think Stats: Chapter 7

Think Stats: Chapter 6

Think Stats: Chapter 6

Think Stats: Chapter 5

Think Stats: Chapter 5

Think Stats: Chapter 4

Think Stats: Chapter 4

Think Stats: Chapter 3

Think Stats: Chapter 3

Think Stats: Chapter 2

Think Stats: Chapter 2

Think Stats: Chapter 1

Think Stats: Chapter 1

Content Based Movie Recommendation Engine

Content based recommendation engine

ISLR Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning (Part 6: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Unsupervised Learning

ISLR Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning (Part 5: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Unsupervised Learning

ISLR Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning (Part 4: Clustering Methods, Hierarchical Clustering)

ISLR Unsupervised Learning

ISLR Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning (Part 3: Clustering Methods, K-Means Clustering)

ISLR Unsupervised Learning

ISLR Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning (Part 2: More on PCA)

ISLR Unsupervised Learning

ISLR Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning (Part 1: Principal Components Analysis)

ISLR Unsupervised Learning

ISLR Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines (Part 5: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Support Vector Machines

ISLR Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines (Part 4: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Support Vector Machines

ISLR Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines (Part 3: Support Vector Machines)

ISLR Support Vector Machines

ISLR Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines (Part 2: Support Vector Classifiers)

ISLR Support Vector Machines

ISLR Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines (Part 1: Maximal Margin Classifier)

ISLR Support Vector Machines

ISLR Chapter 8: Tree-Based Methods (Part 4: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Tree-Based Methods

ISLR Chapter 8: Tree-Based Methods (Part 3: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Tree-Based Methods

ISLR Chapter 8: Tree-Based Methods (Part 2: Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting)

ISLR Tree-Based Methods

ISLR Chapter 8: Tree-Based Methods (Part 1: Decision Trees)

ISLR Tree-Based Methods

ISLR Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity (Part 6: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Moving Beyond Linearity

ISLR Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity (Part 5: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Moving Beyond Linearity

ISLR Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity (Part 4: Local Regression, Generalized Additive Models)

ISLR Moving Beyond Linearity

ISLR Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity (Part 3: Smoothing Splines)

ISLR Moving Beyond Linearity

ISLR Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity (Part 2: Regression Splines)

ISLR Moving Beyond Linearity

ISLR Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity (Part 1: Polynomial Regression, Step Functions, Basis Functions)

ISLR Moving Beyond Linearity

ISLR Chapter 6: Linear Model Selection and Regularization (Part 5: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Linear Model Selection and Regularization

ISLR Chapter 6: Linear Model Selection and Regularization (Part 4: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Linear Model Selection and Regularization

ISLR Chapter 6: Linear Model Selection and Regularization (Part 3: Dimension Reduction Methods)

ISLR Linear Model Selection and Regularization

ISLR Chapter 6: Linear Model Selection and Regularization (Part 2: Shrinkage Methods)

ISLR Linear Model Selection and Regularization

ISLR Chapter 6: Linear Model Selection and Regularization (Part 1: Subset Selection)

ISLR Linear Model Selection and Regularization

ISLR Chapter 5: Resampling Methods (Part 4: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Resampling Methods

ISLR Chapter 5: Resampling Methods (Part 3: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Resampling Methods

ISLR Chapter 5: Resampling Methods (Part 2: The Bootstrap)

ISLR Resampling Methods

ISLR Chapter 5: Resampling Methods (Part 1: Cross-Validation)

ISLR Resampling Methods

ISLR Chapter 4: Classification (Part 4: Exercises- Applied)

ISLR Classification

ISLR Chapter 4: Classification (Part 3: Exercises- Conceptual)

ISLR Classification

ISLR Chapter 4: Classification (Part 2: Linear Discriminant Analysis)

ISLR Classification

ISLR Chapter 4: Classification (Part 1: Logistic Regression)

ISLR Classification

ISLR Chapter 3: Linear Regression (Part 5: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Linear Regression

ISLR Chapter 3: Linear Regression (Part 4: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Linear Regression

ISLR Chapter 3: Linear Regression (Part 3: Other Considerations in the Regression Model)

ISLR Linear Regression

ISLR Chapter 3: Linear Regression (Part 2: Multiple Linear Regression)

ISLR Linear Regression

ISLR Chapter 3: Linear Regression (Part 1: Simple Linear Regression)

ISLR Linear Regression

ISLR Chapter 2: Statistical Learning (Part 4: Exercises - Applied)

ISLR Statistical Learning

ISLR Chapter 2: Statistical Learning (Part 3: Exercises - Conceptual)

ISLR Statistical Learning

ISLR Chapter 2: Statistical Learning (Part 2: Assessing Model Accuracy)

ISLR Statistical Learning

ISLR Chapter 2: Statistical Learning (Part 1: What Is Statistical Learning?)

ISLR Statistical Learning

ISLR Chapter 1: Introduction

ISLR Introduction