Linear Models for Clasification - Discriminant Functions

Posted by Amit Rajan on Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The goal of a calssification problem is to take the input vector $X$ and assign it to $K$ discrete classes $C_k$ where $k=1,2,3,…,K$. The input space is divided into decision regions whose boundaries are called as decision boundaries or decision surfaces. For linear models for classification, the decision surfaces are linear functions of the input vector $X$. Hence, for a $D$ -dimensional input space, decision surface will be a $(D-1)$ -dimensional hyperplane. Data sets whose classes can be separated exactly by linear decision surfaces are said to be linearlly separable.

For a two class classification problem, the target classes can be represented as $t={0,1}$, where $t=1$ represents class $C_1$ and $t=0$ represents $C_2$. For $K>2$ classes it is convenient to use $1-of-K$ coding scheme in which $t$ is a vector of lenght $K$ where for class $C_j$ all the elements of $t_k$ of $t$ are zero except the element $t_j$, which is $1$. The value of the element $t_k$ can be interpreted as the probability the class is $C_k$.

There are multiple ways to achieve the classification task. One way to do is to construct a discriminant function which directlt assigns the input vector $X$ to one of the classes. Another approach is to model the conditional probability $p(C_k|X)$ in an inference stage and then use this distribution to make decisions. There are two different ways to model the conditional distribution $p(C_K|X)$ as well. One way to do it is model them directly using a parametric approach where the parameters are optimized using training set. Anothre way to do it is to adopt a generative approach, where we model the class-conditional densities $p(X|C_k)$ and the prior probabilities $p(C_k)$ and then use Bayes’ theorem to obtain $p(C_k|X)$.

In linear regression models, the model prediction $y(X,W)$ was given as the linear function of the parameters $W$. In the simplest case, the model is also a linear function of input $X$ and hence the prediction takes the form $y(X,W) = W^TX + W_0$, where $y(X,W)$ is a real number. But in the classification problem, we need the probabilities as the output and hence the linear output $y(X,W)$ is transformed using a non-linear function $f(.)$ so that

$$\begin{align} y(X,W) = f(W^TX+W_0) \end{align}$$

The function $f$ is called as the activation function and its inverse is called as the link function. The decision surfaces correspond to $y(X,W) = const$ and hence they are linear in $X$ and $W$. However, the model is no longer linear in the parameters as we have a non-linear activation function. One thing to note is that even if we use a non-linear basis $\phi(X)$, all the properties of the model will remain intact with respect to $\phi(X)$ instead of $X$.